The Oslo East Railway Station was once the port to the city from the east. The station’s immediate connection to the city had a strength and clarity now lost. After decades of growth without an overall plan, the current situation is chaotic and lacks character and flexibility to adapt to the station’s changing needs and contribute to the developments of the city it is intended to serve.
The new station axis neutralizes the stigmatized division of the city between east and west, and reflects a real change in the city’s circulation pattern as the city centre extends to the east. In one step The Station Avenue will be an open passage – from north to south – which also organizes all station functions in a clear structure with a strong architectural identity.
The station will again become a city landmark with characteristic entrances, connected directly to the urban fabric from streets and squares to the north, west and south.
Today every kind of trade, travel services and circulation compete for space in a station without a clear architectural definition. The New Oslo Central Station will separate, differentiate and strengthen each architectural element with a clear link to the new station axis.
Instead of continuing the development of the Central Station as a hybrid shopping mall, our ambition is to create a new station with a pure experience – by prioritizing basic orientation, efficiency and logistical clarity – a celebration of the journey…
THE STATION AVENUE, station + office + park, 26 000 m2
The Station Avenue is the main structural element of the new Oslo Central Station that unlocks and enables the other projects – functionally and architecturally. Arrhythmic diagonal arches reminiscent of a boulevard along parallel rows of trees; a reinterpretation of steel structures in traditional railway stations combined with the challenge of building on top of existing and new railway tunnels. The soft section forms transitions to existing streets and squares connecting The Station Avenue to the city’s natural human flows.
THE FJORD GATE, travel service + hotel + conference, 37 500 m2
The Fjord Gate contains a conference hotel with 400 rooms above travel facilities. The characteristic slender towers frame the view to the Ekeberg hill and become a recognizable landmark.
THE CRYSTAL, travel service + retail + office, 13 000 m2
The wedge-shaped crystal allows us to pull the city up to the station and create new, and liberate existing public and active streets along both sides of the building, programmed with retail and offices as the typical city block.
Oslo, Norway
100 000 m2
Development at the Oslo Central Station consisting of train station, public spaces, shopping, restaurants, offices, hotel and conference
1st prize competition 2008, sketch projects 2010, regulation 2014-15
Space Group
Jens Noach
Gro Bonesmo
Gro Bonesmo, Adam Kurdahl, Gary Bates, Jens Noach, Wenche Andreassen, Mark Bol, Grant Cooper, Juliane Greb, José Hernandez, Gesine Gummi, Sassi Heiskanen, Kasia Heijerman, Karsten Huitfeldt, Fredrik Krogeide, Claudia Laarmann, Naofumi Namba, Hans Papke, Leon Rost, Rebekah Schaberg, Alexandria Ålgård
Schønherr Landskab
AKT- Adams Kara Taylor / Norconsult
Supermodell, Nordic3D