Our proposal begins on the scale of the Tromsø region, a reading of perceived, experienced, lived space, a translation of public space, and with this the invention of terminal on Prostneset. The result is an atomized architecture. Hyper specific, coded conditions operating on the scale of buildings, Prostneset, and city.
We propose a new landfill that wraps the existing coastline, establishing the clearest relationships between infrastructures; maximizing the contact between city and terminal. To the city we propose a radical transformation of Amundsen’s square, giving both the statue and the park a greater significance for Tromsø. The square has been redefined to include the Kirkegata 2 building and will also expand the prominence and potentials for the adjacent NNKS museum. Traffic is rerouted and the ‘square’ is given a clear definition that it has never had, with the conference center establishing its southeastern edge. Amundsen has been elevated to give him a greater prominence for the whole area, and creating ‘virtual’ corridors in the context. A major public promenade is established: Strandtorget – Kaigata – Melange Hotel Gardens – Amundsen’s square, Conference terrace, and S. Arnesens gate.
The project is conceived as 3 + 3 terminals. Three facilitate optimal motion [transposition] – three ideal terminals for speedboat, Hurtigruta, and bus. Each terminal with its own unique identity, character, and interface with one another and the city. The position of these 3 entities, and the infrastructure that supports them, the dedicated movements, primary and secondary relationships, form a dynamic layered organization system. The second three relate to the mind and body [transfer] – conference, hotel, and spa. These functions have suffered under their own residual self-image, mere shadows of their former greatness. Our design gives them each their freedom back and with that their public licenses. These ‘6’ terminals create a multiplicity of urban events that are activated and refreshed in time and space.
Centrally located Harbour Front in the center of Tromsø
Terminal for Hurtigruta, bus terminal, speed boat terminal, offices, conference center and spa, fish market
Gary Bates, Gro Bonesmo, Adam Kurdahl with Grant Cooper, Håvard Fagernes, Thomas Fagernes, Daniel Ferdman, Franco Ghilardi, Tai Grung, Karoliina Hartiala, Ellen Hellsten, Thor Arne Kleppan, Margrethe Lund, Matteo Poli, Minna Riska, Naofumi Namba, Rebekah Schaberg
Arup, Rory McGowan and Carolina Bartram
van SANTEN & Associés; Metallplan, Franco Bløchlinger
Arup, Jo Marples and Francesca Galeazzi; Erichsen & Horgen
Arup, David Johnston
Arup with Erichsen & Horgen
Arup with Noteby
Arup with Barlindhaug
West 8, Adriaan Geuze and Jerry van Eyck with Anders Melsom